Yes, we use Electronic collars with every dog we train. It is important to understand what the E collar is and what it is not. E collars are being used more and more in pet dog training and that is both a good and bad thing. Used properly, an E collar is one of the fastest and most humane training tools available. Used improperly they can be ineffective or worse, downright cruel. There are unfortunately a lot of dog trainers out there who misuse the tool out of impatience or ignorance.
Used properly, E collars are extremely effective communication tools for both training and daily life after training. It allows you to give your dog off leash freedom that you otherwise would likely never feel safe or comfortable doing. In order to be of any use however a dog needs to be properly conditioned to respond to the E collar stimulus. This is one more reason why we take extra time in our training process. A dog who has been properly conditioned to the E collar is not afraid of it, because they understand it.